The Runner Doc is currently accepting guest content! Our website is growing and reaching more and more runners each month. Therefore, we want to include more information than ever to help them along their journey through running. If you’ve got an idea for an article, we’d love to read it!
Here are some quick answers to the most frequently asked questions by contributing writers:
What Should I Write About?
The options are endless (well not completely, they do need to fit within The Runner Doc’s theme). We love the new visions and creativity that guest writers bring to this site. We love reading about your personal experiences and expertise as a runner. It can be funny, contemplative, serious, or the kind of read that has followers reaching for the Kleenex. We love the uniqueness of each runner and welcome that to come across in your writing. Here are the main post topics we feature on The Runner Doc:
- Injury Experiences
- Running Journeys
- Injury prevention, tips, and advice from qualified and expert writers
- Running workouts and strength training
- Running during and after pregnancy
- Physical Therapist, Chiropractic, MD, DO, and RD (or others not included on this list of professionals) advice for runners on specific topics related to their fields.
What types of posts will not be accepted?
Rants, negativity, or anything that disrespects or insults any fellow runners. “Expert” content/advice that is not from a certified expert in the field in some way.
All submitted content must original. We do not accept posts that have been previously published or submitted to other sites or publications.
How Long Should My Post Be?
We do not have a maximum word count, but we do look for high-quality content that delivers a clear and complete message to our readers. Typically, our minimum word count is 1000 words however that can be subject to lower based on the piece of content.
How Do I Submit My Post?
Send an email to abby(at) with your content attached in Word document format and the subject line Guest Post. If we decide to publish the piece, you will receive a response to your email with further instructions.
These are guest posts and we do not compensate for them. It is an opportunity for you to share your knowledge and experience with other runners to better the running community.